Oleksandr Kostyliev (Ukrainian: Олександр Олегович Костилєв; born 2 October 1997), better known as s1mple, is a Ukrainian professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player for Natus Vincere.He is considered to be one of the best players in Global Offensive history.
Oleksandr Kostyliev — Natus Vincere player, who as part of the “yellow-blacks,” has achieved a number of important achievements and has managed to grow to be a real superstar in the worldwide pro scene of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive! In 2016, after moving from Team Liquid to NAVI, Sasha, along with a new team, claimed a victory at ESL One NY. In 2018, showing incredible individual skill, s1mple helped the Born to Win to secure four tournaments wins. In addition, according to HLTV.org, Sasha was recognized as the best player in the world in 2018.
Oleksandr Kostyliev, joka tunnetaan paremmin nimellä s1mple, on ukrainalais Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -pelaaja Natus Vincerelle. Häntä pidetään yhtenä parhaista pelaajista maailmanlaajuisen hyökkäyksen historiassa
Total kills 30332
Headshot % 41.6%
Total deaths22861
K/D Ratio 1.33
Damage / Round 86.2
Grenade dmg / Round 2.3
Maps played 1347
Rounds played 35554
Kills / round 0.85
Assists / round 0.10
Deaths / round 0.64
Saved by teammate / round 0.08
Saved teammates / round 0.11