Game developer Rockstar’s popular game, Red Dead Redemption got a new update this week and it was a bit of a led down. Many did enjoy the new refreshing content that it brought with, it feels like it lacks quite a lot. In this arcticle, we are going to breakdown the entire update, what it includes and what our opinion of it is.

Before we get deeper, we just want to address that the review part of this article is completely opinion based and may differ from yours.
Blood Money had huge hype around the RDR2 community. Because of that, many of us felt like it didn’t live up to the promise and the premise of the original announcement. It’s also worth pointing out that Blood Money hasn’t been fully released yet. We have just gotten merely a taste of what it could possibly be in the future.
At the moment, we know that there’s going to be atleast 2 more “heists” in the update. These are called opportunities in RDO and the first one was fun. However while it was fun, it did let us down by it’s payouts. We all love heists in GTA as they offer huge payouts plus great stories. We know it’s a bit wrong to compare these 2 games as they work quite differently from each other. One of the first mistakes a new player can make is to think that it’s anything like GTA Online.
The world of Red Dead Redemption and the mechanics are just so immersive and complicated compared to that of GTA. Now, let’s get down to the real business.
Blood Money: Crimes and Opportunities
Blood Money update brought 2 new main mechanics, crimes and opportunities. We already opened up a part of the latter but before we tell more of it, let us discuss the crimes first.
Crimes are essentially setups more or less where in which you do certain jobs and they can reward you with new currency called Capitale. Crimes also pay cash and gold, not as much as the opportunities as is to be expected. Player may start these crime missions from 2 different NPC’s who also grants access to opportunities.
These NPC’s are located in:
- Anthony Foreman in northeast Saint Denis
- Sean Macguire to the south of Blackwater
- Joe to the east of Emerald Ranch
- James Langton to the northwest of the Macfarlane’s Ranch
Once you have accrued 15 Capitale, you can start your first opportunity, however if you wish to do them at a higher difficulty, it’s going to cost you more.
Of course, the harder the opportunity is, the bigger is the payout as well. Now you might be thinking that it’s worth to take the hardest one then. Well, you better hold your horses as we are going to tell us our review of the whole mess.
Red Dead: Online – Blood Money Review
After playing these new crime missions for dozens of times, we can say that they are actually quite pleasant if you’re not in it just to get the new currency. Crimes pay about as much as bounties and some of them work like bounties which caused some outrage as it felt like old product just with a new name.
The current opportunity, Covington Emerald did manage to salvage things a bit. Until we actually finished it with all different difficulties. Let’s just say that moneywise, it wasn’t worth it and it doesn’t really offer any replayability. That being said we truly hope that the next 2 of these opportunities will be better. Who knows, maybe Rockstar learned a lesson here.
If you don’t own Red Dead Redemption 2 yet, you can try it out for free for a week if you have a Playstation 4 or 5. The way you can do this is by using the 7-day free trial for Playstation Now subscription service (if you haven’t used it yet.)
This article was brought to you by Carnival News and Tier1Games. Make sure you stay tuned for more stories from the wild wild west.